The Nest of Red weaver ant is very fascinating. They build the Nest in such a way that no other predators will come inside & even rain & wind cannot affect it .
They stitch each leaf using silk produced by their larvae. By tapping on larvae they release the silk .Their unique nest-building behavior involves workers ants pulling leaves together, forming tight, enclosed compartments. In other hand male ants guard the nest from outside This nest building process showcases remarkable social cooperation among these ants.
These ants engage in a coordinated effort where workers pull edges of each leaf /single leaf together, and form living chains to draw leaves closer. Time required for nest construction depends on the size of the leaf . Like study finds that a large leaf nest takes around 24 hour to complete.
For such tremendous weaving techniques,these ants are known as "WEAVER ANT".
Photo credit & copyright - AKASH MOHANTY(owner of this blog site)